Job Readiness and Skills Training Program

Ransom ReProgram is a job readiness and soft skills training program that provides participants with tools to help them overcome barriers to employment, helping them move out of dependency and into personal responsibility and a fulfilling career. Participants work with mentors and are taught spiritual principles about work and relating to others.
Ransom ReProgram is a four-fold approach to create long-term life and work stability :
(support services)
ReProgram teaches soft skills, the non-technical abilities and traits that employers say are lacking in their entry-level and workforce applicants.
(job readiness training)
Throughout the course, students have opportunities to volunteer or work. They are treated as employees and receive performance reviews, incentives, and sanctions that prepare them for entry into the workforce.
Each class has facilitators who mentor them throughout the program and after graduation. During daily meetings, Facilitators aid participants in setting realistic career goals, dealing with challenges, preparing resumes, and developing interpersonal skills.
(job placement)
ReProgram develops work-ready employees for local business partners who need to fill entry-level positions.
It costs tax payers an average of $31,000 per year to incarcerate one individual, but only costs Ransom Ministries an estimated $10,000 to place that individual into a job.

According to the Robin Hood Foundation, for each graduate that finds meaningful employment and retains their job for one year; they add $107,000 back into our economy. In addition to the finances added by graduates' employment stimulating the economy, community and legal systems expenses are reduced as the recidivism rate decreases because these repeat offenders and those who have struggled with addiction are now becoming productive law-abiding citizens.